Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spaghetti Supper

We had our spaghetti supper last night. I think we made around $500 at the actual supper. I have no idea how much we have from people who donated money but didn't go. It was quite entertaining, actually. Little kids every where. My friend, Tiffany, came and helped. Thanks, Tiffany, oh, chef maestro!
I also went over to Tiffany's Friday night and we made cookies, using soy milk instead of real milk because of my LI, and I thought they were DELICIOUS! She said they weren't cookie-ish, but I thought they were awesome. Yummy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's such a cutie pie! I bet you can't wait to get your hands on her and kiss those little cheeks.


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