Tuesday, May 1, 2007

We're going to China!

We are flying to China on May 24th. Here's our itinerary.

Flying Northwest.
Leave Little Rock at 7:21 am.
Arrive Minneapolis/St. Paul Int'l at 9:35 am.

Leaving Minneapolis/St. Paul Int'l at 3:05 pm.
Arrive Tokyo-Narita, Japan at 5:05 pm on May 25th.

Leave Tokyo-Narita at 6:20 pm
Arrive Beijing, China at 9:25 pm on May 25th.

June 6th
Leave Canton (Guangzhou), China at 8:20 pm WITH REESE.
Arrive Tokyo-Narita at 2:00 pm.

Leave Tokyo-Narita at 3:00 pm
Arrive Detroit-Wayne County Int'l at 1:45 pm.

Leave Detroit-Wayne County Int'l at 3:25 pm
Arrive Little Rock at 4:40 pm on June 6th.

We are also having a spaghetti supper on May 12th with a silent auction. If you would like more information about the supper, or to donate items for the auction, drop a comment with your email and I'll get back to you.

Also, our fundraising efforts outside of the Parents Night Out and Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction, we have a Kingdom Kids Adoption Ministry account (Davidson family) and paypal (cheryldavidson2006@yahoo.com). Thanks so much!


kids said...

Wow. This little girl is obviously very loved on both sides of the world. And what a beauty... Congratulations and have a wonderful trip to China!!! :-)

Tamara (from Facebook adoption group)

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

Congratulations! You are going to be the best big sister! Have a safe trip.

Nikki (from Facebook adoption group)

Anonymous said...

She is PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!

-emily- (asiablessings yahoo group)

Annie said...

Aww she really is a cutie. it's nice that you have so many photos of her. I bet you just can't wait to travel.

Annie (Asia Blessings group)

Jie Jie to Sarah Lu and Chayah Ru said...

Congrats!!! You are leaving SO soon!!
How exciting! Reese is STUNNING!! :)

~Staci (Asiablessings yahoo group)

Anonymous said...

hi sweetie-love the blog, Reese is lucky, we are lucky, no we are all BLESSED to have found each other! Can't wait to have both my girls in the same room....21 days,love mom


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