Tuesday, May 7, 2013


(post from the mom, Cheryl);
I generally leave the posting to Monica (aka Kaijinsbigsis), but there is so much to share...
It's been nine months since we did the paperwork and asked China if they would consider old, falling-apart parents like to us to bring home one more daughter. Much to our surprise they said "yes". Have you seen the movies where the pregnancy test comes back positive and the dad passes out? Not quite that bad, but similar. I am sure we were both shell-shocked. I had tried to be optimistic, but not get my hopes up. James wasn't even worried. He knew they would say "no".


After the initial shock wore off, we set about in paperchasing mode. That's where we have been. FOR NINE MONTHS.

Today, I can say all of our paperwork is in the hands of our adoption agency. If not on it's way to China tonight, then probably tomorrow. DTC baby!

I haven't allowed myself much time to think about all the things we are missing with our Ana-Cherie. As the paperwork wound down, though, my arms ache for her.

Reese has grown so much. It has been almost six years since I held her in my arms for the first time. I look at the pictures of two year old Reese, and... wow. We finally have the laser treatments down (settings, pain control, even what she wants to eat after). Thank goodness James retired two years ago, because it seems like any week he doesn't have to take her to the eye doctor for a pressure check (glaucoma), is an "off" week. We are still battling high pressures.

Right now we have no idea when we will travel to China. My best guess is that we will leave September 23, with a "gotcha day" of September 30, and return home about October 10. We'll see how close I guess.

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